Welcome to Meso: A note from our founder

From Lena Tom (she/her):

I am so excited to announce the launch of Meso Solutions and to start hiring for progressive organizations! While the name is new, Meso has really been a decade in the making. As I moved through progressive space, the common refrain was how difficult it was to find talented and passionate people. And more often than not, it’s some already-overstretched manager trying to hire new people while also handling their full-time job.

I was driven to establish Meso from a deep sense of commitment to people in movements — that it is the individuals who dedicate their lives to this work who create real, sustainable change in the world. And yet the time needed to find those people can derail big-picture goals or just cause organizations to rush the hiring process. The former has real-world consequences on our impact, while the latter often results in a dissatisfying hire. 

Additionally, I simply love the process of hiring for progressive organizations. In particular, I am dedicated to making the process fairer and more equitable. In the progressive space, we represent diverse communities, and our staff and leadership need to be able to connect with and understand those experiences. We also need to be thoughtful and real about our past biases and failures; we can implement steps to address these holistically. 

Most firms are geared toward a corporate approach, and this simply doesn’t work for nonprofits and progressive organizations — values, timelines, budgets, and even the terms we use require expert knowledge. You can check out our Approach & Services page to see more about how we do things differently. We’re a firm with a nonprofit ethos, and our partners’ needs are at the core of our decisions.

I can’t wait to help you find your next team member…and change our communities for the better!


How to enter the progressive space